Jumat, 24 September 2010

Windows 7 Over Windows XP?

Windows 7When Windows 7 first introduced by Microsoft, my friends keep asking if I had tried it. Yes I have, but not in my PC. Maybe I'm a little bit old timer when it comes to my personal computer. Can you imagine I'm still using Windows 98 back at 2005? True, when all the people in the world probably already using Windows XP, I'm still dating the old Windows 98 and its blue-screen errors.

I finally moved to Windows XP when my friend customized a mini version for me, kicked all the unused functions (and many used ones too). It's just about the right time when I started to get bored with the errors and routines to install Windows 98 every week.

But at that time I moved to Windows XP, everyone around is already on Vista.

I've tried many edition of Windows 7. And what I mean by 'many edition' is the various hacked tweaked version of it. Of course, as I live in Indonesia, pirated versions are easy to get.

Windows 7 comes with its ultimate features and power, along with the updated security. But it's simply not enough to convince me to replace my Windows XP with Windows 7 for a simple reason; I just don't feel comfortable with Windows 7. All I used to do on Windows XP seems not working for me on Windows 7. It can actually, but needed some kicking over here and over there, and it's really boring.

So, here I am with my old-world, ancient PC, even though Microsoft had backing off support for Windows XP. If any there should be any problem, I just install a fresh copy of it. But hey, Windows XP can be a good solution if your computer specification doesn't met Windows 7 requirement.