Bank Indonesia (BI) has not received a candidate for President Director (CEO) of PT Bank Mandiri Tbk. In fact, the company will conduct public meetings extraordinary shareholders (EGM) on July 5, 2010.
"His letter was not signed until today," said Director of the Directorate of Bank Licensing and Banking Information BI Joni Swastanto in Jakarta.
Meanwhile, the Ministry for State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) states that the shareholders of Bank Mandiri has acquired one candidate for president who's name will be proposed at the EGM. However, SOE Minister Mustafa Abubakar was still reluctant to name candidates for the leadership of state-owned banks in our country's largest.
"One name I have entered the bag," said Mustafa.
In fact, Mustafa said that a candidate for the Managing Director of Bank Mandiri had been sent to the BI for the requested assessment. But, he added, shareholders do not need to obtain approval from the BI because the candidate has been approved by the government.
Previous government has set three candidates to become president of Bank Mandiri, Agus Martowardojo replaces who was appointed Minister of Finance. Two of them come from internal Bank Mandiri, which Zulkifli Zaini and external Riswinandi.Adapun had called the name of Bank CIMB Niaga's president director Arwin Rasyid.
Bank Indonesia as the banking regulator would conduct feasibility tests and the fit (the fit and proper test) against the candidates from president of external perseroan.Untuk internal candidates for directors of Bank Mandiri, Bank Indonesia will only fit and proper administrative conduct.
Responding to these issues, EVP Strategy Coordinator and Finance Bank Mandiri Pahala Mansury asserted that it could not disclose the name of candidate for president who has diajukan.Namun, she confirmed that the team nomination and remuneration of the Bank Mandiri had been proposed several names as a substitute Agus Martowardojo