Jumat, 10 September 2010

LA Police Headquarters Stoned

Police stonedApproximately 100 residents of Los Angeles, United States (U.S.) stoned a police headquarters in the Westlake area with rocks, eggs and bottles.

Citizen anger was triggered by the shooting incident carried out by an officer against a man who was carrying a knife.

Police have not made arrests against the protesters, but officials try hard to bring the protesters to stay away from police headquarters.

This incident triggered the death of Manuel Jamines, an immigrant who was shot twice by a police officer Westlake. But according to Police Chief Charlie Beck, shooting had to be done as a form of martial arts. Thus reported the Associated Press, Wednesday (08/09/2010).

When the shooting occurred, the victim was holding a knife known and considered taking action a threat to the police bicycle patrol. At that time the three men police bicycle patrol received a report of a citizen is suspected to have sparked riots around the neighborhood residents.

When police arrived the reported location, all of a sudden gunfire lasted.
Consequently Jamines Manuel died instantly. Jamines who was expected was drunk, was threatening police with a cast member was holding a knife. He also attempted even a senior police officer who helped to calm Jamines.

Own citizens to feel angry with the police action that directly opened fire to Jamines who was drunk. According to a relative, shot to death a drunk it is very inappropriate.
Most of the residents are also assessing if Jamines was a drunk but harmless.