Selasa, 07 September 2010

Sony Updates Playstation 3 Firmware to Prevent Jailbreak

Sony released what they call a 'minor' update to the PS3. This is to prevent anyone who was tempted by one of two jailbreaks that have made attacks during recent weeks.

Firmware update 3.42 includes 'additional security feature' that eliminates the possibility of using either PS Jailbreak or open source versions of Groove PS. Similarly quoted by PC World, Wednesday (08/09/2010).

Those who have tried to update this data says it does not appear to add any function other than blocking jailbreaks.

"I know this special security 'feature' to block USB jigs, To others, it's all there in this update. There is no cross-game chat, no music in the game, no nothing else some of you hold- constantly begged, "complained one customer.

"Oh, come on, at least honest about the update .. We all knew it was the first of a firmware update is expected rntuk block Jailbreak," said another.

"Now you will be doing this every day as the PSP is not really taking the time to give us an update we really need or work to create a system or a better service." call another customer

Sony has given orders prohibiting the sale of Australia's Jailbreak PS, on the grounds that it facilitates piracy. However, both versions open source, PS Groove, aims to get round this by disabling the relevant feature, which means it can be used only to enable a third party.